Enhancing Agricultural Practices in a Globalized World through Digital Technology

Luisa Fernanda Cabezas Burbano, Harold Mendoza, Karol Leal Vásquez, Valentina Lamus Molina


With the rapid progress of basic sciences, the role of digital technology has gained increasing importance, particularly in the field of agriculture. In a globalized context, agriculture stands at a crossroads where digital technology emerges as an essential ally to strengthen this sector vital for economies such as Colombia. Digital agriculture encompasses a range of tools, including data collection and analysis, the implementation of the internet of things (IoT), automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These technologies empower farmers to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and increase efficiency. The fundamental purpose of this article is to preserve water and mitigate climate change through the implementation of digital agriculture practices. This study was conducted in the locality of Tuluá, Colombia, with a specific focus on the cultivation of medicinal, aromatic, and condimentary plants (PMAC). An intelligent irrigation system was conceived that collects data through specialized sensors that monitor irrigation flow, soil moisture, weather conditions, pH, water level, and water quality. This system, supported by PLC and IoT technology, enables remote control of the valves. The results underscore the reasonability, reliability, and viability of this solution, addressing the inefficiencies inherent in traditional water usage in agriculture and promoting sustainable irrigation practices. The emphasis on soil moisture management as a determining factor in irrigation decision-making is not only adaptable to various crop varieties but also represents a substantial improvement in regional agricultural development, benefiting the local community. It is anticipated that this initiative could also have a significant impact on water preservation, which is an essential element in agricultural processes, thereby contributing to the sustainability and resilience of the sector.


Keywords: programable logic controller, smart irrigation, the internet of things, digital agriculture, water preservation.



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