Eighteen Years of Resilience: A Narrative Life History Study of an Individual Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy
Hemodialysis therapy for end-stage renal disease has a poor prognosis, and it is rare for hemodialysis patients to live long. However, their long-term survival is possible. We discovered a case of a patient receiving hemodialysis therapy twice a week at a health center who has survived for over 18 years. This is a rare case; therefore, the aim of this study was to explore their life experiences and analyze the positive factors of their survival. This is a qualitative narrative life history with a single participant as the respondent. The data collection was carried out through interviews using semi-structured questions. Qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The study identified four key themes associated with patient survival factors during hemodialysis: family support, adherence to therapy and diet, appropriate levels of activity and rest, and a positive mindset.
Keywords: hemodialysis, survival, long-term therapy.
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