Politeness Strategies for Vampires vs. the Bronx Movie Script: A Translation Study
This study arose from academics’ concerns about the difficulties of translating utterances that communicate language politeness. This qualitative study focuses on data obtained from utterances, words, phrases, sentences, and texts divided into two categories: a source of linguistic data and a source of translation data from movie transcript Vampires and the Bronx in English and Indonesian subtitles. The data sources are documents (transcripts of movie dialogs) and informants (3 raters and translation experts). The data comprise linguistic data in the form of utterances, including politeness strategies, and translation data, including techniques, methods, ideologies, shifts, and translation quality. The data were collected on purpose using document analysis and focus group discussion (FGD) methods. The results revealed that the translation of the Vampires vs. the Bronx movie transcript from SL into TL toward utterances observing politeness strategies was envisioned to provide as accurate as possible and easily understandable messages to the film audience in the TL. Positive politeness strategies were most widely used with identity markers in the form of Black English greetings, name calling, the speaker’s inclusive principle in an activity, and giving gifts such as sympathy for lower social classes. In translating the movie script, the translator used common equivalence, implication, variation, pure borrowing, paraphrase, modulation, neutralization, reduction, explicitation, generalization, and compensation techniques. Among the 11 translation techniques, the equivalence technique, communicative translation methods, and free translation methods were dominantly used. In addition to implementing translation techniques and the implications of these techniques for translator inclinations, the translation results in TL appear to include ‘foreignization’ ideology.
Keywords: politeness strategies, translation techniques, Vampires and the Bronx.
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