Unlocking Creativity and Engagement in Students through Project-Based Learning
This pioneering study investigates the unique application of project-based learning (PjBL) to enhance creative writing skills under the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative. It addresses a critical gap in understanding PjBL’s impact on creative writing, student learning outcomes, and teaching methodologies. The novelty of this research lies in its exclusive focus on PjBL within the creative writing realm under MBKM, offering unparalleled insights into the synergy between technology, individualized teaching methodologies, and creative processes. Consequently, it contributes significantly to expanding the knowledge domain of experiential learning. The primary objective is to identify key factors that contribute to the success of PjBL and comprehend its transformative role in academia. To achieve this, a qualitative approach involving technical instruments such as interviews and case studies with university lecturers is employed. The results, gleaned from an in-depth analysis of data from three lecturers, reveal that PjBL considerably bolsters students’ creative expression and problem-solving capabilities, while facilitating educators in devising more flexible, innovative teaching strategies. Finally, this study underscores PjBL’s seminal role in nurturing an interactive learning environment that stimulates independent and creative thinking. It strongly advocates a wider exploration of PjBL applications across diverse disciplines and endorses policy reforms for its effective integration into curricula. The research also highlights the need for evolving PjBL methodologies to stay abreast of technological advancements and shifting educational needs, thereby offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the research work undertaken.
Keywords: project-based learning, creative writing education, educators' experiences, students' learning enhancement.
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