Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities Based on Cognitive Style in STEM-Integrated Problem-Based Learning
This research aims to determine students’ cognitive styles in STEM-integrated problem-based learning and differences in students’ critical thinking abilities based on field-independent and field-dependent cognitive styles. The novelty of this research lies in integrating STEM in problem-based learning as a context for analyzing students’ critical thinking abilities based on their cognitive style. This research is descriptive and qualitative. The research subjects were selected using a purposive sampling technique, consisting of SMA Negeri 8 Semarang class X students. The results of this research are as follows: (1) There are 15 field-independent cognitive style students with the following characteristics: high curiosity, liking individual assignments, independent and structured learning, and a highly competitive spirit. There are 21 field-dependent cognitive style students with the following characteristics: lack of curiosity, likes group assignments, depend on teachers, and a lack of competitive spirit. (2) Strong field-independent students have medium and high levels of thinking. They can master all aspects very well. Weak field-independent students have medium and high levels of thinking. They can master the evaluation aspect very well and other aspects well. Strong field-dependent students have low and medium levels of thinking. They can master the analysis and evaluation aspects very well, the inference aspects well, and are less able to master the interpretation aspects. Weak field-dependent students have low and medium levels of thinking. They can master the analysis and interpretation aspects well, but they cannot master the evaluation and inference aspects.
Keywords: cognitive style, critical thinking ability, problem-based learning, STEM.
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