The Joint Range of Motion Measurement by Comparing a Goniometer and Machine Learning MediaPipe Pose in the Straight Leg Raise Compression Test of Sciatic Nerve Roots

Hustinawaty, Tavipia Rumambi, Matrissya Hermita


Many human activities, especially movement, rely on all bones, particularly the spine; a disorder or abnormality in the spine results in an abnormal body shape and movement. One of the most common symptoms is low back pain. For most physical examinations of spinal pain, doctors perform the Laseque test, which is the limitation of lifting a straight leg(s), usually associated with the lower back nerve root. The Laseque test is called the straight leg raise test. The joint range of motion in this test is the range between the joint of the left and right legs that is lifted and moves upward, generally measured using a medical stationary device called a goniometer. Measuring with a goniometer is quite complicated because you have to ensure that the patient does not move other body parts when moving the joints to make more accurate measurements and take readings on the goniometer. This research aimed to avoid direct physical contact and minimize transmission using MediaPipe. The straight leg raise test movement can use a computer webcam that detects movement and tracks the position of human body joints supported by the MediaPipe Pose and OpenCV library program packages. A comparison of these measurements indicates that MediaPipe is accurate. Measurements using MediaPipe machine learning solutions are reliable as a tool/device for a doctor's diagnosis and for evaluating the success of therapy in medical rehabilitation.


Keywords: straight leg raise, goniometer, detection, MediaPipe.

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