Quality Monitoring of Drinking Water in Chucuito Province: One Health Perspective

Pompeyo Ferro, Eli Morales, Ana Lucia Ferró-Gonzáles, Sayda García-Caro, Polan F. Ferro-Gonzales, Euclides Ticona


The One Health approach considers the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health because 70% of diseases affecting humans are mainly in animals. Water serves as a vehicle for the transmission of these diseases. Consequently, monitoring the quality of water for human consumption is crucial, constituting an activity of the environmental health units of the Peruvian Ministry of Health. In 2019, water quality monitoring was conducted in the province of Chucuito, Puno Region, to determine the quality of drinking water for human consumption under the One Health approach. The physicochemical analysis indicated that the parameters were within normal limits, except for residual chlorine, which was completely absent. Microbiological analysis revealed total coliforms and E. coli. These findings impact the responsible production of water for human consumption. According to water quality regulations in Peru, this water has fecal contamination, posing a high microbiological risk and rendering it unsuitable for human consumption. Urgent disinfection is required. These results highlight the breakdown of the human–environment–animal interface of the One Health approach, putting public health at risk.


Keywords: One Health, public health, risk, water quality, disinfection.



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