Post-COVID-19 Revolution in Sports Sociology Education: Unleashing the Power of Sociometry-Based Learning Social Groups

Rif’iy Qomarrullah, Fredrik Sokoy, Rivaldhy N. Muhammad, Muhammad Sawir, Fery Darmanto, S. Lestari Wulandari


This study delves into the post-COVID-19 landscape of sports sociology education, examining the effectiveness of a sociometry-based social group learning model. Faced with the challenges posed by the pandemic, this study aims to gage the impact of this innovative approach on student engagement, knowledge retention, and interpersonal skills within the academic setting. Our specific research goals encompass evaluating the effectiveness of the sociometry-based learning model in enhancing student engagement, measuring its influence on knowledge retention, and assessing its contribution to the development of interpersonal skills among students in the Sport Science Study Program in response to the evolving post-COVID-19 educational landscape. This research introduces a novel sociometry-based learning model. Unlike traditional teaching strategies, this approach fosters a dynamic and interactive classroom environment, emphasizing social group dynamics. This contribution advances sports sociology education in the context of a post-pandemic world. The experimental phase involved 65 students, and data on social correlations were collected through a questionnaire and subsequent analysis using sociometry. T-test analysis and the Gain score formula revealed a significant difference in post-test outcomes between the experimental and control classes. The reliability calculation yielded a result of 0.645 within the experimental class, and the media’s effectiveness assessment scored 0.219, falling within the moderate range. In conclusion, our findings underscore the effectiveness of the sociometry-based learning method compared with alternative grouping forms, emphasizing its potential to enhance student experiences in the post-COVID-19 classroom. We encourage educators to prioritize interpersonal dynamics and innovative teaching methods for a more engaging pedagogical experience.


Keywords: sociometry-based learning, COVID-19, education, interpersonal dynamics.

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