Dynamic Hypermedia Aids for Teaching the Sine Theorem

M. Gladys Elena Román, G. José Rodrigo González, M. José Francisco Amador


This unique research in our region presents the findings of a qualitative research study aimed at determining the didactic contributions in the creation of a dynamic hypermedia aid (DHA) for teaching the sine theorem. To achieve this, a pedagogical design was devised to guide the creation of the DHA, based on a conceptual map outlining its structure, as well as the development and integration of digital resources. Subsequently, a teaching sequence was designed and implemented, incorporating the DHA and its associated resources. This sequence was conducted with 10th-grade students at a school in Pereira (Risaralda). The results revealed that the creation and use of the DHA enabled educators to propose alternative instructional frameworks, complementing specialized mathematical knowledge with technological and pedagogical proficiency in using information and communication technologies (ICT). Consequently, the students discovered novel methods of learning and problem-solving. The implementation of the DHA offered educators fresh opportunities and dynamics to engage with students, fostering exchanges of ideas related to the sine theorem.


Keywords: dynamic hypermedia aid, didactic contributions, pedagogical design, information and communication technologies, sine theorem, teaching resources.



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