Exploring Sustainable Business Models for Hotel Industry Governance in Bali
A new sustainable governance model for the hospitality industry is presented in this paper. It combines the sustainability model of hotel governance with the Tri Hita Karana concept, which is ingrained in the culture of the Balinese people. This model was tried observationally, including forty-star and non-star lodgings in the Bali region. According to structural equation modeling analysis, cultural and social factors have a greater impact on sustainable hotel regulation, tourism policy, and governance than economic or environmental factors. In addition, the analysis findings in every location where the research was conducted demonstrate that the issue of tourist regulations and policies is the primary concern that requires attention, followed by the issue of sustainable hotel management, as well as socio-cultural, economic, and environmental concerns. According to these findings, Bali's strength as a tourist destination is consistent with the concept of sustainable tourism because of its natural and cultural attractions and the concept of Tri Hita Karana, which is ingrained in the culture of the Balinese people.
Keywords: economy, environment, socio-culture, tourism regulations and policies, sustainable hotel governance.
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