The Impact of Servant Leadership and Technology Acceptance Model on Lecturer Performance through Proactive Behavior

Herson Keradjaan, Bernhard Tewal, Olivia Nelwan, Viktor Lengkong


This study aims to prove the influence of servant leadership and technology acceptance models on proactive behavior and lecturer performance. It proves the indirect influence of servant leadership and technology acceptance models on lecturer performance through proactive behavior. This research is a new model that places proactive behavior as an intervening variable between servant leadership and technology acceptance models as independent variables, with lecturer performance as the dependent variable. The method used is a survey method using a research questionnaire instrument. The analysis used structural equation modeling with the help of SmartPLS Software. The analysis was conducted to determine the direct effect of servant leadership and technology acceptance models on proactive behavior, including testing the direct effect of proactive behavior on lecturer performance. An analysis was also carried to determine the indirect effect of servant leadership and technology acceptance models on lecturer performance through proactive behavior. This study proves that the technology acceptance model has a positive effect on proactive behavior. Proactive behavior has a positive effect on lecturer performance. The technology acceptance model influences lecturer performance through proactive behavior. Meanwhile, servant leadership does not affect proactive behavior. Servant leadership has no effect on lecturer performance through proactive behavior. If a university wants to improve lecturer performance, the strategic action that can be taken is to increase the proactive behavior of lecturers, as well as maximize the use of the technology acceptance model.


Keywords: servant leadership, technology acceptance model, proactive behavior, lecturer performance.

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