Assessment of Water Distribution for the Effectiveness of Water Allocation Modeling
This research intends to conduct the assessment of water distributing performance for supporting the performance index assessment of water allocation modeling. The main aim is intending to solve the conflict of water interest, so there is necessary to be carried out the water allocation so water user society will get the water regarding to their right fairly, efficiently, and sustainably. Along with the increasing of population number and the social and economy conditions of society, there will all be increasing water demand for various uses. However, the quality tends to decrease because it has potency to increase the local conflict becoming a conflict between the regency and city that is unwanted. The water preparation and allocation are activities in operating the water resource infrastructure, whose aim is to optimize the usage of water resource infrastructure. This research was conducted in the watersheds of Manjuto, Slagan, Dikit, Teraman, Muar, Padang Guci, Bangkenang, Manna, Kelam, Nasal, and Luas. The methodology consists of collecting data on each watershed that are water availability and water demand; then, water balance and distribution (allocation) are analyzed. The result of water allocation analysis shows the water availability due to the dependable discharge as the reference such as Q80 or discharge with the probability of 80%; still several watersheds experience the water deficit in fulfilling the irrigation water requirement, household-city-industry (RKI), plantation, fishery, husbandry, and river flow maintenance needs. A new research is needed for the index assessment of water allocation in the watersheds that experience the water deficit to obtain the plan value of water demand fulfilling allocation in the water deficit condition, whether non-critical, lightly critical, moderately critical, and heavily critical.
Keywords: water availability, water demand, water balance, water allocation.
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