Statistical Results of Reasoning Disorders in Children Worldwide
The delay or absence of logical structures necessary for learning and reasoning constitutes reasoning disorders. These disorders affect more logic in general and can cause language disorders and lead to school failure in schoolchildren, especially if they go unnoticed. This study aims to make an inventory of these disorders in Morocco through a comparative study to detect the prevalence of reasoning disorders in the different countries identified by this study in the world as well as to compare them with the prevalence of these disorders in Morocco. We have chosen an intervention method: a qualitative method with an inductive approach or "inductivism" to collect the information necessary for comparing to identify the most dominant type of these disorders in Morocco and develop the tools and skills for the prevention and detection of these types of disorders. The results suggest that ADHD is prevalent in Morocco. Few studies in Morocco explain the lower statistics for these disorders, given the infrequency of observing cases of sick children suffering from symptoms associated with these disorders of the mind. Generally, these reasoning disorders are higher in men than in women. Further research into reasoning disorders may lead to the development or improvement of new methods of clinical treatment of these disorders for evaluation in clinical trials.
Keywords: reasoning disorders, children, cognitive psychology, comparative study, analogical reasoning.
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