Coastal Ecosystem Assessment with an Integrated Approach to Land and Seascape Coastal Ecosystems for Conservation: A Case Study of the Pulo Doro Coast, Malang Regency
This research starts from the phenomenon of climate change and increasing land subsidence in the coastal areas. Disasters that often occur due to climate change and subsidence result in the destruction of coastal communities' property, loss of life, agricultural land cannot produce optimally, and tsunamis, tidal floods, and liquefaction are increasingly common. If the incident is not addressed, it will lead to a more severe disaster, and the lives of coastal communities will be threatened. This research aims to assess the condition of coastal ecosystems, both coastal ecosystems, landscapes and seascapes, which are then assessed for the level of usage (economic), conservation (ecology), and the value of local wisdom (social). The method used includes three models: geographic information system (GIS), partial least square (PLS), and total economic value (TEV). GIS is used to assess the presence of landscapes and seascapes. PLS is used to assess public opinion and assessment of the existence of coastal ecosystems. TEV is used to assess the economy. The results of the study show that there are still many Pulo Doro beaches that have not been intervened by anthropogenic processes. The condition of the coastal ecosystem is still intact, although natural processes have begun stressing the coastal area due to the increasing wave height. The results of the PLS show that the community values the landscape as 0.753, the seascape assessment as 0.666, the assessment of the relationship between the landscape and the seascape as 0.841, the assessment of the condition of the Pulo Doro Coastal as 0.693, and efforts to develop a Pulo Doro coastal ecosystem management strategy 0.766. The results of the TEV calculation show that both the landscape and seascape show that the economic value is still not exploited much. The results of this study found a model for managing the coast based on landscape and seascape approaches.
Keywords: seascape, landscape, geographic information system, partial least square, total economic value.
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