Students’ Perception of the Digital Learning System for Junior High Schools in Padang, Indonesia
The learning differences before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic are very significant regarding the perceptions of offline education, where activeness in class activities is found to be excellent. These needs emphasize the positive effects of the learning method on the challenges of Indonesian education during the digital era. This study aims to evaluate the students' perception of the digital learning system from various phenomenal aspects, using the LMS Santiang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative research. The informants or subjects of this study were 100 students were randomly selected as samples from class VIII Junior High Schools 7, 8, 12, and 25 Padang. The quantitative and qualitative data obtained from online Google-form questionnaires and WhatsApp interviews were also descriptively analyzed, respectively. According to the analysis of the questionnaire data, source and method triangulation techniques were analytically used. The findings showed that the students' perceptions of the digital learning system were quite good, regarding the use of the LMS Santiang with a percentage ≥ 70%. This analysis also exhibited the following results: (1) 75% of the students understood the LMS Santiang approach (75%); (2) 82% of them needed other learning resources or teaching materials; (3) 70% also demanded to use e-learning platforms; (4) 88% of the students needed e-learning in the digital era; (5) 73% of them were satisfied using LMS. This article is a novelty in developing a digital learning system using LMS Santiang post COVID-19.
Keywords: perception, digital learning system, LMS Santiang.
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