Reconstruction of the Company's Liability Law to Minimize the Occurrence of Election Crimes
This study aims to create a legal construction of corporate responsibility that can minimize the occurrence of election crimes committed by companies. The method used is normative legal research intended to be able to examine norms related to the issue of corporate accountability in election crimes. The results of this study are that the maximum limit on donations from political parties and candidates participating in the election must be clearly regulated so as not to provide an opportunity for companies or individuals to deposit their money so as not to violate the provisions of the existing law, companies that provide donations must also be given a minimum limit of having carried out activities and arrangements. The cost of each component, such as advertising costs, props, and campaign costs, must be given a maximum limit and update Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections providing a maximum limit for donations from political parties and candidates participating in the election. Additionally, the condition that companies making donations have been established and operated for a minimum of one year, attaching the results of the general meeting of shareholders regarding the donation of campaign funds and adding a maximum limitation on the use of campaign funds for the manufacture of advertisements, props, and campaign costs.
Keywords: accountability, company, general election.
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