The Relationship between Frame Score, Calving Interval, and Body Mass Index in Indonesian Beef Cattle

Yudi Adinata, Ronny Rachman Noor, Rudy Priyanto, Lucia Cyrilla, Pita Sudrajad


This research was conducted to describe the relationship between cow’s frame scores and calving interval and the body mass index of cows and calves, to evaluate the reproductive performance of cows. We aimed to prove that cows in an energy balance state will have a high reproductive capacity. The parameters recorded were body weight, withers height, body length, hip height, and heart girth of 731 cows, and a calving interval of 2,117 birth records of calves from four breeds of cattle, namely, Bali, Madura, PO, and PO Kebumen, were analyzed. In addition, descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, and correlation were performed to differentiate the breed. The results of the frame score classification of Bali, Madura, PO, and PO Kebumen cattle were minimal with a value of 0 to 1, very small to moderate with a value of 0 to 4, small to large with a value of 3 to 9 and small to very large with a value of 2 to 11, respectively. The mean calving interval values of Bali, Madura, PO, and PO Kebumen cattle were 1.18 ± 0.03, 1.20 ± 0.02, 1.22 ± 0.01, and 1.22 ± 0.01 years, respectively. The relationship between cow’s frame score and calving interval was a positive and non-significant correlation. However, the relationship between calving interval and cow’s body mass index was a significant negative correlation. This relationship indicates that the calving interval will remain optimal based on the cow’s frame score. However, if the energy balance in the body is increased, marked by an increase in the body mass index, it will support better reproductive performance with a smaller calving interval. The relationship between the calf’s heart girth and cow’s body mass index was a negative and highly significant correlation. However, the relationship between the calf’s body mass index and calf’s heart girth was a positive, non-significant correlation, which can provide information that the calf’s heart circumference is a limitation in the calving ease. We suggest that measuring the body mass index is the most appropriate system for estimating the optimum reproductive capacity of Indonesian beef cattle. Since such a study has never been conducted before, our findings are expected to be consideration on the evaluation of livestock reproductive performance in Indonesia.


Keywords: body mass index, calving interval, frame score.

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