An Exploration of Male Sexual Behavior with MSM Sexual Orientation
This study examined the sexual behavior of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This study employed descriptive research and included 148 MSM perpetrators. The samples were selected by proportional sampling from October 2020 to January 2021. The data were collected using a questionnaire. Then, the data analysis was conducted by univariate analysis, which was presented as frequency and percentage. The subjects in this study were between 20 and 30 years old. They were often the oldest children, had a secondary education, and worked as entrepreneurs. MSM perpetrators noticed that they began enjoying other men between the ages of 13 and 18, and some of them were younger (under 13 years old); they admitted that this activity was motivated by sexual fulfillment, financial hardship, and loyalty to friends. Most MSM perpetrators had sex with an irregular male three times per week, and some had it up to twelve times. The main activity was engaging in anal and oral sex, whether or not with protection, with most sex partners between the ages of 23 and 45. It was revealed that the perpetrators were worshiping and were even aware that their actions were abnormal. Perpetrators feel sexual satisfaction, and this activity makes money at the same time. The MSM sexual behavior phenomenon in Bukittinggi was extremely alarming since the perpetrators' sexual behavior began when they were still in school.
Keywords: men who have sex with men, sexual behavior, sexual orientation.
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