The Impact of Talent Management Strategies and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning
The continual changes organizations face in today's inexorable marketplace necessitate constant scanning and analysis of the business environments to retain important resources that contribute to long-term competitive advantage and notable performance. This research examines the direct influence of talent management strategies and entrepreneurial orientation on the organizational performance of public universities in Jordan and their indirect role via organizational learning as a mediator. Data were collected from a random sample of 275 faculty members at the public universities in the south of Jordan using an online questionnaire. The study used the statistical package for social sciences software (SPSS.20) to conduct multiple regression and mediation testing to analyze the research data. The research results confirmed that from the viewpoint of the faculty members, talent management strategies and entrepreneurial orientation significantly impact organizational performance. Additionally, the results indicated that organizational learning mediates the influence of talent management strategies and entrepreneurial orientation on organizational performance. The novelty of this research stems from its focus on an under-researched context in the extant literature on organizational performance, namely in the higher education sector in a developing country in the Arab world. Additionally, this study investigates a potential mechanism through which talent management practices and entrepreneurial orientation could boost organizational performance.
Keywords: talent management, entrepreneurial orientation, organizational performance, organizational learning.
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