A Prospective Study on Cephalosporin Utilization by Pattern in Pediatric Patients
Pediatric is the medicine specialization concerned with the health of infants, children, and adolescents. Worldwide, many infectious diseases were controlled in the 20th century by improving living standards, public health, and various antimicrobial agents. Antibiotics, in particular, cephalosporin, are amongst the most widely dispensed medications in Pediatric departments worldwide, especially in countries where there are no strict guidelines to regulate their use. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted at 150 Bedded Pediatric ward of Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women (PUMHSW), Nawabshah, Shaheed Benazirabad to assess the utilization pattern of cephalosporin among all admitted in-patients. Patients' demographic details were recorded from the Patient's Bedside File (PBF). Data were analyzed by using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SPSS 20. Among all admitted patients, 1285 patients met the inclusion criteria, and their PBF were evaluated for cephalosporin. A total of 2863 antibiotics were prescribed among 1932 patients. The most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics among the study population was Cephalosporin 1971 (68.83%), followed by Cefotaxime (20.39%). 76.20% of pediatric patients were prescribed antibiotics through the parenteral route and 23.8% through the oral route. The most common diagnosis was Pneumonia (23.4%), diarrhea (11.6%), and Bronchitis (11.2%), following other indications. Antibiotics were being prescribed without national antibiotic guidelines or institutionally approved protocols, which are currently unavailable. The study findings shall help the hospital administration and government design and implement official policies to promote rational utilization of antibiotics.
Keywords: pediatrics, cephalosporins, antibiotics, consumption pattern, culture sensitivity test.
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