Sacred Indicators of the Jakarta Cathedral Church, Indonesia, before the Second Vatican Council
This research aims to determine the sacred indicators of the Cathedral Church before the Second Vatican Council. This research method was used quantitatively by taking 250 respondents as users and observers. The research findings are (1) Although the Cathedral Church building had been erected before the Second Vatican Council. There is a slight drawback, namely this church does not follow the Ideogram; (2) The expression of the Catholic church form can be considered sacred if its form follows the function by paying attention to the values of sacred indicators, both interior and exterior. Scientific findings in research are indicators of; Ideogram and Form follow function. So, searching for the intrinsic value of the sacredness of the Catholic Churches if one of these indicators is removed will reduce the sacredness of the Catholic Churches. This research is helpful for architectural practitioners and academics to find sacred indicators that can be added or removed if there is a change in the function of the building.
Keywords: sacred indicator, Jakarta cathedral church, second Vatican council, form follows function, ideogram.
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