Understanding of Batik for Character Education in State Elementary School

Ahmad Zainuri, Sukadari, Sunarti, Sisili Marsih, Eko Wahyunanto Prihono, Miftachul Huda


This research aimed to describe 1) the application of handwritten batik extracurricular activity, 2) the character education, and 3) the underlying support and interfering aspect of handwritten batik extracurricular activity. This research is qualitative. The result has shown that character-building involves disciplined, hardworking, creative, independent, patriotic, responsible, cooperative, and environmental care. Underlying support in the extracurricular activity consists of the availability of facilities, supervisory teacher, and parental support, and interfering aspect has been discussed with some negligible situations. Suggestions from this research involve a) for students, students should always bring materials to be used; b) for teachers, teachers should warn learners always to bring the materials they need; and c) for school, schools must provide the necessary tools and materials in handwritten batik extracurricular activity.


Keywords: batik, character education, extracurricular activity.

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