Challenges of Acquisition Bathymetry Information on PlanetScope Data and Nautical Chart: Experiment Based on IHO S-44 Total Vertical Uncertainty in Multi-Method Satellite-Derived Bathymetry

Agung Kurniawan, Widodo Setiyo Pranowo, Yosef Prihanto, Avando Bastari, Johar Setiyadi


Regular depth data monitoring is an essential element in navigation or non-navigation. As the primary information in creating navigation maps, depth data can be obtained immediately without direct field measurements using a remote sensing method called Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB). However, the method has weaknesses, especially in the accuracy level. This study aims to obtain bathymetric information from three methods with different characteristics and to compare the accuracy of the three methods that are best suited to the conditions of the research area. Experiments were carried out by adopting Stumpf, Global, and Single Band comparable SDB methods. The three methods use simple statistical linear regression involving the visible band and band ratio. Tidal events are also considered in the SDB extraction process as a parameter for water level correction. This research was conducted on Johnston Atoll Island, a remote area in the Pacific, specifically located in the northwest of the Hawaiian Islands. The accuracy calculation was based on Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Total Vertical Uncertainty (TVU), referring to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-44. This study chose TVU because it complies with IHO recommendations and standards. The use of TVU to see the accuracy of the bathymetric model results becomes important as part of the implementation of IHO standardization. The SDB experiment results were normalized and corrected to low tide to obtain a depth close to the actual value and eliminate the tidal effect. The results showed that the RMSE with the Stumpf and Global methods increased systematically. A systematic decline involved adopting the single band method by increasing depth class with the most optimal results. By adopting the Stumpf Method, the accuracy of the experimental results based on TVU was 19.4% collectively for the depth range of 10.01-20 meters. However, the accuracy of the single band method was 28.2% and 16.5% for the 0–5- and 5.01-10 meter depth ranges, respectively.


Keywords: satellite-derived bathymetry, remote area, root mean square error, total vertical uncertainty.

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