Medical Image Concept Detection Using Full Scale VGG-like Shallow and Transfer Learning Networks
Over the last two decades, medical imaging examinations, and technologies together have been exponentially increased. With the increased demand for medical examinations, the demand for medical imaging experts is also increased. Manual identification and annotation of biomedical concepts tend to be rigorous and error-prone due to the varied knowledge of imaging experts. There is a critical need for automated Medical Concept Detection methods. Finding the relevant biomedical concepts present in a medical image holds the key to solve many automated clinical diagnosis problems, a machine learning pipeline for medical information retrieval, and other related issues, like creating and managing legacy or cloud-based descriptive digital repository. Appropriate mapping from biomedical image concepts into precise textual summary highly depends on the efficiency of Medical Concept Detection techniques. A novel clustering technique is presented as a complementary data preconditioning step to reach high concept detection results. The authors grouped 8767 Concept unique Identifiers (CUIs) into 970 clusters (label size decreased by 26% approximately using 97.7% images from the dataset). The main objective of this research is to examine the state-of-the-art convolution-based deep learning pre-trained and full-scale training models for the task of multi-label classification of medical concepts using medical image input. The research work evaluates the performance of transfer learning networks: InceptionV3, Xception, Dense Convolution Network (DenseNet) 121, VGG-16, and MobileNet. This work also presents one full-scale learning CNN architecture for the identification of relevant biomedical concepts that exist in medical images. Transfer learning technique using Xception model has achieved the highest F1 score of 36.29. The shallow VGG-like full-scale training architecture also has shown a promising result with an F1 score of 20.018. The obtained results reflect the significant improvement from previous experiments, offering state-of-the-art performance, with new data preconditioning precedence for highly variable and complex datasets.
Keywords: concept detection, concept annotation, deep learning, medical image processing, neural networks, machine learning.
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