The Effectiveness of LR-DOMBL as VCDLN Model to Increase the Students’ Reading Comprehension on Junior High School
This study examines the role of Learning Resources-Digital Mobile Blended Learning (LR-DOMBL) as a VCDLN Model, which can be used for subjects at school, one of which is English. One of the implications of LR-DOMBL is in the form of mobile learning, which is assumed to improve reading comprehension skills for 8th-grade junior high school students. Mobile learning is a new learning technology facilitating the optimal learning process and learning results for the teachers and students. This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of mobile learning to increase the students' reading comprehension in one Islamic junior high school in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. The researchers applied a quantitative pre-experimental research design in this study. Its participants were 30 students of Class 8. The researchers used pre-test and post-test data collection techniques to gain the research data. The result of this study showed that mobile learning effectively increases the students' reading comprehension. Therefore, the researchers concluded that mobile learning is appropriate for the optimal learning process and learning results.
Keywords: mobile learning, reading comprehension, junior high school.
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