Teaching Language Proficiency: The Implementation of Virtual Multimedia-Based Learning for Indonesian Vocational High School

Budi Setiawan, Sunardi, Gunarhadi, Asrowi


For enhancing the learning and teaching process, various efforts have been made to offer alternative ways. Mobile devices, by their wide coverage of wireless networks, are one of them to be used to support instructional processes in the educational sector. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) can significantly improve students' acquisition of language learning. Due to the possibility to be utilized anywhere and anytime, mobile learning has become the main option or reference as the learning model. In order to give and significant result of its application be effective and successful, it must be organized properly and correctly by combining all related elements interacting in optimum ones. This paper aims to explore the roles and the impact of media in terms of technology in English Proficiency of Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) for vocational high school students. Including technology in the English proficiency test to prepare vocational high school students entering and competing in the career of global perspective is an innovation to link and match school and users. It is development research through ASSURE instructional design involving eighty students with various English levels.  The study found mobile multimedia for language learning more effective in uplifting students' achievement scores on the TOEIC compared to the control class. By this acceptance, it has implications that educators or affiliated stakeholders conducting educational services by designing the curriculum corresponding to their needs of language acquisition and mobile assisted devices enabling them to have independent and interactive study.


Keywords: mobile learning, learning materials, Test of English for International Communication, vocational high school.

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