The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices, Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Effectiveness in State Agencies

Truong Anh Tuan, Dang Thanh Liem, Huynh Duc Long, Tran Anh Minh, Phung Tan Hai Trieu, Do Thuan Hai


The research goals of this study is to identify and evaluate the relationship between human resource management practices, work motivation, organizational commitment to organizational effectiveness, thereby proposing several management implications to improve the effectiveness of state agencies. The study has built a component model to assess the impact of human resource management practices, work motivation, and organizational commitment on organizational effectiveness in state agencies in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on theories and previous studies related to the topic, a research model of three components affecting the organizational effectiveness in state agencies is proposed, including human resource management practices, work motivation, and organizational commitment. Based on 275 questionnaires of employees working in state agencies in Ho Chi Minh City, the author used the quantitative analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the relationship between research concepts. Research results show that three components: human resource management practices, work motivation, and organizational commitment, positively influence organizational effectiveness. One of the study's findings is that HRM is the factor that has the strongest impact on the effectiveness of state agencies, instead of the work motivation of civil servants or organizational commitment. The research results help managers have a basis to improve human resource management factors, work motivation, and organizational commitment in a positive way in order to increase organizational efficiency at state agencies in Ho Chi Minh City.


Keywords: human resource management practices, work motivation, organizational commitment, organizational effectiveness, state agencies.

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