Inspirational Transformation Role of Leader on Schools’ Principal

M.H.M. Hashim, M.F. Hassan, A. Ibrahim


As an important person in improving school institutions, school principals hold full responsibilities for school achievement and performance. School principals are responsible for inspiring the people in the school institution towards achieving their mission and vision. Therefore, it is a responsibility for the school principal to practice the possible way to inspire the people in the school institution and promote leadership qualities through the inspirational role of leadership. The practice of an inspirational role will allow the school principal to manage their school more effectively. Thus, this kind of practice should be explored more by the school principal to address the challenges in the education field, particularly in school principal leadership in the Republic of Maldives. This study used a qualitative method to explore the inspiration roles of school principals in the Republic of Maldives. The unstructured interviews are conducted as the main instrument to explore in-depth and explain the current situation of school principals in the Republic of Maldives in practicing inspirational roles. This study involved four school principals, three teachers, and five students in selected secondary schools in the Republic of Maldives as participants. The 10th edition of NVivo computer software has been used for data cleaning and data processing for data analysis. The findings show that school principals play roles in inspiring people in the school institutions by creating stimulating, stirring, and thought inspirations to transform school leadership. Therefore, this study suggested that the school principal in the Republic of Maldives must give continuous support and guidance to the leading teacher, teachers, and other staff in the school. School leaders can infuse strategies to enhance their understanding of principal leadership and improve their practices and administrative leadership team.


Keywords: inspiration, inspirational leadership, school principal, qualitative research, Republic of Maldives.

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