Gorontalo Local Chicken Diversity Based on IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) Gene Analysis

Abinawanto, Alfi Sophian


This study aims to examine the diversity of local Gorontalo chicken using the IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) gene marker. The sampling was conducted in six different areas, namely Gorontalo City, North Gorontalo (Gorut), Bone Bolango (Bonebol), Boalemo, Pohuwato, and Gorontalo Regency (Kabgor). Furthermore, conventional real-time PCR methods were used, and the sequencing was conducted through the obtained product. The results were analyzed using MEGA 11 software, and the data were genetic distance based on nucleotide and protein composition and phylogeny tree. All samples showed high DNA purity (A260/A280) by 1.910-1.925, and the DNA concentration obtained was 82.10 – 82.60 mL. The real-time PCR test showed the Ct value of 18.20 – 18.50, while the melting temperature or Tm is in the range of 81.20 – 82.10°C. The PCR product sequencing and MEGA 11 analysis showed that the farthest genetic distance between chicken from Gorontalo City (City) and Boalemo Regency was 0.8584. The closest genetic distance is from North Gorontalo Regency (Gorut) by 0.0409. In conclusion, nucleotide and protein composition and phylogenetic tree analysis can be used to examine the diversity of local Gorontalo chicken using IGF1 gene markers by looking at genetic distance. The novelty of this study was that we identified the diversity of local Gorontalo chicken using the IGF-1 gene marker.


Keywords: insulin-like growth factor, genetic distance, Gorontalo local chicken.

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