Functional Correlation of Seagrass Meadows and Ichthyofauna in the Coastal Waters of the Lampung Bay, Indonesia

Isnaini, Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen, Tri Prartono, Zainal Arifin


This article describes the roles of seagrass meadows used by fish in different ways, as a feeding ground, spawning ground, and hiding shelter from predators, based on the density of seagrass, sizes of fish, and trophic levels of ichthyofauna. It is discovered that the lengths of specific ichthyofauna occupy different seagrass densities and trophic levels. The study was performed from October 2018 to March 2019 in the Bay of Lampung, Lampung Province. The study included eight different stations, which were determined by purposive sampling. The data collection regarding seagrass density was performed by the quadrate transect method, and the sample collection of ichthyofauna was conducted with gill nets. The seagrass density was correlated with the classes of ichthyofauna sizes and the trophic levels were correlated with the classes of ichthyofauna sizes using Correspondence Analysis (CA). The study results show that the trophic groups of ichthyofauna species are dominated mainly by the trophic group of the carnivore, followed by omnivore, and herbivore as the least trophic group. The results of the correspondence analysis show the correlation of the seagrass density with the ichthyofauna’s length. In contrast, the large-size ichthyofauna prefers the seagrass meadows with a high-density level, as the small-size ichthyofauna prefers the seagrass meadows with a low level of density. The correlation of seagrass density with the trophic group shows that the herbivore trophic group ichthyofauna has smaller sizes than the carnivore and omnivore ichthyofauna.


Keywords: density, meadow, ichthyofauna, Bay of Lampung.

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