Content Validation of an Instrument Used to Assess the Educational Quality of Blended Learning Courses

Gutiérrez-Pérez Bárbara Mariana, Martín-García Antonio Víctor


This article describes the content validation process of an instrument used to assess the educational quality of training designs based on the Blended Learning model. The Expert Judgement technique was applied, involving the participation of 11 judges who have been duly trained in the design, implementation, and assessment of the Blended Learning model. The judges assessed the items presented based on criteria of relevance and clarity. The level of inter-judge agreement was determined using the Coefficient of Variation (CV) and Kendall's W test. The results show significant agreement amongst the participating judges regarding the relevance and clarity of the items that comprise the proposed instrument. The development of this research provides the design of an instrument able to objectify and define the educational quality of Blended Learning from a global and systemic perspective. This research project will help ensure quality in designing and implementing educational processes in hybrid learning environments and educational transformation and improvement in higher education.


Keywords: blended learning, content validity, educational quality, expert judgement, higher education.

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