Opportunities and Challenges of Using Augmented Reality in Iraqi Schools

Nadia Al-Aboody, Zainab M. Hussien, Muhsin Al-Amery


This paper aims to investigate the opportunity of implementing Augmented Reality (AR) in Iraqi schools by answering the following questions: Are teachers familiar with such technology? What perceptions do teachers and students hold toward using AR in education? Do schools have the proper infrastructure to adapt AR? What are the barriers preventing implementation of this technology? An online survey was designed and distributed to a random sample, including teachers and students at international, private, and public schools in Iraq. The results show that even though the teachers had a basic understanding of the technology, they did not employ it in their classes. Teachers have a slightly good attitude toward the usage of AR. However, they do not believe in its ability to enhance the learning environment. On the contrary, from students’ perspective, they show a great attitude in using AR; however, they face a lack of training and cannot self-learn. These findings are linked to the challenges that affect the use of AR in education, including the difficulties teachers face in learning and using AR in classes.


Keywords: augmented reality, e-learning, active learning, teachers’ attitude, students’ attitude.

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