The Contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Training through an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Teaching of Health Sciences and Technology

Driss Khoaja, Jabran Daaif, Abderrahmane Lamiri, Said Belaaouad, Latifa Horr, Abderrahim Khayati


The world of education and teaching is consolidating and becoming one of the sectors with a strong tendency to the growth and evolution in all areas of research and creativity. It grants itself all the necessary tools to facilitate its evolution and among them the digital tools and the techniques of information and communication (TICs), on which we carried out a prospective study on their utilities to improve the formation by the interdisciplinary approach. For this useful purpose, we have planned a study, through the establishment of a questionnaire to know: the interest of the contribution of ICTs to facilitate; the integration of knowledge of several disciplines; collaboration; communication, and interaction between teachers and students, in a cycle of scientific master. We based ourselves in the study between March 2018 and April 2019 of the seven courses of the Master’s cycle of pedagogy of health sciences and techniques of the Institutes of Sciences of Nursing Professions and Techniques of Health (ISPITS). These institutes are located in seven cities of Morocco (Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat, Fez, Tetouan, Oujda, Agadir). The students of these Masters, coming from a strain of former nurses, represented a homogeneous population of 20 students for each master, and that the total made 140 students. They were preparing to become teachers in this field of study. Following the analysis of the results, we found the need to increase the use of ICTs to help improve collaboration, interactions, and integration, which are the basic principles of training through the interdisciplinary approach. Finally, the study's objective and scientific novelty are that research aims to encourage teachers of nursing sciences and techniques to impose ICTE in their training through the interdisciplinary approach.  As well as to establish a new scientific method to communicate with their students, and to create a good interaction between them for better integration of knowledge and a good collaboration between the speakers.


 Keywords: information and communication technologies, training, interdisciplinary approach, teaching, health sciences.

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