Opportunity for Sustainable Palm Oil Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Riau

Gulat Medali Emas Manurung, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Almasdi Syahza, Suwondo


Riau Province has smallholder oil palm plantations located in forest areas. Land conflicts in the area consist of vertical conflicts and horizontal conflicts. Land conflicts hinder the sustainability of oil palm plantations. This study identifies the sustainability status of smallholder oil palm plantations using the index values of the ecological dimension, the economic dimension, the social dimension, and the legal dimensions of governance and governance. Data retrieval using a survey method was analyzed using Multi-Dimensional Schalling. The analysis of the sustainability status of oil palm plantations shows the index value of each dimension, namely the ecological dimension 63.84, the economic dimension 59.79, the social dimension 69.59, and the lowest index value is the legal and governance dimension, which is 40.61. The index value of the legal and governance dimensions is an obstacle to the sustainability of smallholder oil palm plantations. Respondents' land conflicts include vertical conflicts and horizontal conflicts. This study concludes that the sustainability of smallholder oil palm plantations is achieved by implementing legal governance of land ownership so that there is no conflict between the people and the government and conflicts over land ownership between the people.


Keywords: smallholder, Multi-Dimensional Schalling, oil palm plantations, sustainability, government.

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