The Effectiveness of Using GeoGebra Software in Mathematics Classrooms: A Case Study of Teaching Continuous Functions in High Schools
GeoGebra is a math software package with several noteworthy features that make it particularly well suited for various math topics, including geometry, algebra, analysis, and statistics. The objective of this study was to assist students in promoting their activeness and initiative in learning and teaching to improve learning efficiency in mathematics with the assistance of GeoGebra software in teaching continuous functions. It was conducted with 85 students in the 11th grade, in which the students in the experimental group learned through lectures supported by GeoGebra, and the students in the control group learned through conventional teaching methods. Experimental results show that students in the experimental group with the GeoGebra-supported learning method have a more positive attitude and motivation to learn than students in the control class with the traditional teaching method. The independent t-test results of the post-test scores of the two classes also indicate that students in the experimental class have superior problem-solving skills and learning outcomes compared to students in the control class. Additionally, the findings from a student opinion survey indicate that they positively affect learning in a GeoGebra software-based learning environment.
Keywords: GeoGebra software, continuous function, learning attitudes, problem-solving skill.
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