South Halmahera District Government Policy toward Access to Anglers’ Group Marketing in the District of the Jouronga Islands
This study aims to determine the policy process of the South Halmahera Regency Government towards marketing access for anglers groups in the Jouronga Islands District. The type of research used is empirical by using an approach model by looking at the reality that occurs in society. In this study, the data types used are primary and secondary data obtained from library materials and regulations related to the title. Data collection techniques used were interviews and literature study. The data analysis used is qualitative. Based on the research results that have been done, it can be concluded that the South Halmahera Regency, especially the District of the Jouronga Islands, has the potential for the fisheries sector. The anglers group of Siboa Pakiala, Kukupang Village, and Putra Jouronga, Tawabi Village in the District of Jouronga Islands, mostly work as traditional anglers. The facts show that the local government has provided facilities and infrastructure assistance to anglers groups but has not provided guidance, training, and assistance. Therefore, the government must provide guidance, training, and assistance to anglers groups to achieve welfare. The government is expected to provide business capital to fishing groups and a market so that fishing groups are no longer dependent on funding from local entrepreneurs. The participation and awareness of anglers groups towards preserving marine ecosystems need to be increased through the active role of the local government of South Halmahera Regency so that gaps and inequality in fishing communities can be avoided.
Keywords: Policy, Access, Marketing.
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