Polyphenolics and Antioxidant Potential of Five Medicinal Plants Found in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Following the 1998 forest fire disaster, the Taman Borneo–Mulawarman University Park (KRUS) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, has served as an important source of germplasm to preserve the plant biodiversity in tropical rain forests, including under-utilized medicinal species. The present study quantified polyphenolics in the bark, leaves, and fruits of Artocarpus dadah (AD), Clerodendrum disparifolium (CD), Spatholobus ferrugineus (SF), Pternandra azurea (PA), and Psychotria carthagenensis (PC) found in the KRUS to validate the potential antioxidant activity of these species. Phenolics were quantified spectrophotometrically using gallic acid, tannic acid, and catechin as the standards. Antioxidant activity was measured in terms of the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) for 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity. Among the five test species, PA exhibited the highest total phenolic content (692.51 ± 110.67 ppm gallic acid equivalent), PC leaves exhibited the highest tannin content (22.12 ± 5.34 ppm tannic acid equivalent), and CD bark exhibited the highest flavonoid content (35.06 ± 7.25 ppm catechin equivalent). Moreover, CD bark exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 21.8, R = 0.938). In conclusion, the bark, leaves, and fruits of AD, CD, SF, PA, and PC collected from the KRUS are the potential sources of antioxidants, including phenolics, tannins, and flavonoids. The novelty of the present short communication is the quantification of polyphenolics and their antioxidant potential in five medicinal plants, namely AD, CD, SF, PA, and PC, found in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Keywords: Artocarpus dadah, Clerodendrum disparifolium, polyphenolics, Pternandra azurea, Psychotria carthagenensis, Spatholobus ferrugineus.
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