Effect of Glutamine Enteral Supplementation in Post-Operative Intestinal Obstruction Neonates: A Randomized Control Trial
Surgical treatments targeted for infants suffering congenital intestinal obstruction are advantageous to increase clinical outcomes. However, the post-surgical period might encourage them to depletion of glutamine (Gln). This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Gln to supply feeding requirements for infants during post-gastrointestinal tract surgical recovery. It was conducted in infants with congenital anomalies involving gastrointestinal (GI) and undergoing surgery using a double-blind, randomized trial design. The population was divided into control and trial groups. Afterward, the comparison of outcomes following the intervention is analyzed to determine the benefits of Gln supplementation. Eighteen of 20 infants were diagnosed with a congenital malformation that involved the GI tract after birth. As reported in 10 infants, anorectal malformation accounted for most of the types of malformations. There was no significant difference in clinical outcomes shown by infants supplied with Gln enteral diet and those who were not, in their birth weight and median time to full-enteral feeding (FEF). Enteral nutrition support using Gln enriched diet does not improve feeding tolerance for infants with congenital GI anomalies during post-surgical care. Concerning the novelty, this study found that the effect of Gln supplementation on babies undergoing GI surgical management is not significantly different from placebo.
Keywords: birth weight, infants, full enteral feeding, glutamine, placebo.
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