Digital Technologies as Marketing Tools to Promote Commerce in Micro and Small Businesses in Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo, Mexico
The micro and small companies of Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo, Mexico, faced with the arrival of the COVID-19 health contingency, were affected by not having contingency plans, which caused them to stop the trade of products and even the closure of themselves, a situation that entails seeking strategies that allow companies to reopen again to generate their source of income. This research aims to propose digital marketing strategies that contribute to the growth of micro and small companies in Tulancingo de Bravo Hidalgo. Currently, digital marketing is very important in competitive environments worldwide. The method used was with a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, transactional correlational research design. What was sought was to see the relationship that digital marketing strategies have with commerce. Taking into consideration that digital marketing strategies are an essential tool that allows the advancement of the exchange of products and services. Inferential statistics were used to see the correlation of the variables and see how these digital to Principal Component Analysis technique, which allowed to measure the association between the variables subjects of study. The results obtained with the use of OLS, statistical test, and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the strategies that small and micro-entrepreneurs influence marketing to boost trade are: the use of web pages with content and advertisements, interaction with online consumers, establishing promotions with online applications, managing Facebook, use of email to market the product, application of WhatsApp as fundamental tools for doing business.
Keywords: digital strategies, small business, marketing.
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