Effect of Quiet Eye Exercises, Anxiety Levels, Eye-Foot Coordination on the Accuracy of Kicks against Football Players

Alficandra, Tandiyo Rahayu, Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani, Heny Setyawati


The purpose of this study is to test the influence of the interaction of quiet eye training methods, anxiety, eye-foot coordination against the accuracy of kicks to the goal of football players of the University of Riau Province. This study was designed using pseudo experiments with a factorial design of 2x2x2. The samples in this study used purposive sampling or aiming samples; then, participants were tested using the accuracy test of football goal kick to determine the success rate and accuracy. The data was analyzed with a three-track Anova test. The result in this study is an interaction of the influence of quiet eye training methods, anxiety, eye-foot coordination on the accuracy of kicks to the player's goal. This study can improve the design of training protocols for exercises to improve the accuracy of kicks to the goal.


Keywords: quiet eye, anxiety level, eye-foot coordination, the accuracy of kicks to goal.

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