Strategy for Strengthening Character Education in Physical Education Learning at Makassar City Elementary Education Level
This study aims to describe the headmaster’s strategy in strengthening character education of students, its implementation, and the results of this strategy implementation at SD Negeri Mangasa Makasar and Madrasah Ibtidayah Negeri 2 Makasar. The qualitative method and descriptive analysis were used in the research. The results of the analysis of observation data and interviews showed that the headmaster’s strategy in strengthening the learners’ character education is integrated into intracurricular and extracurricular activities, and provides habituation in schools. The implementation of such strategies integrates character education into each subject or theme and local content; and into the extracurricular activities in SD Negeri Mangasa Makasar and Madrasah Ibtidayah Negeri 2 Makasar, among others scouts, child doctors, drum bands by motivating, giving advice, awarding prizes, sanctioning and civility; it resulted in conscientiousness, routine activities, spontaneous activities, and conditioning. The results of the strategy implementation can be seen in effective assessment, the value of the student’s report card, and the counseling book. Considering the three assessments above, the results of the principal’s strategy implementation in strengthening character education at SD Negeri Mangasa Makasar and Madrasah Ibtidayah Negeri 2 Makasar belong to the good category.
Keywords: strategy, implementation, education, character strengthening.
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