Pekanbaru Adolescents’ Perceptions Concerning the Existence of Traditional Sports in the Millennial Era
This study aims to describe the perceptions of early and late adolescents related to traditional sports in Indonesia in the millennial era. This research is descriptive qualitative research through the survey method. Data sourced from the teenagers in the city of Pekanbaru. Teenagers were selected based on the random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through open and manifold semi-structured interviews. The questionnaire that included 12 essay questions was distributed through the google form because of the Covid-19 pandemic that is still ongoing within the territory of Pekanbaru. The statement in the interview includes three indicators, namely (a) the general knowledge about traditional sports, (b) how to play traditional sports, (c) the rules of playing traditional sports. Analysis techniques in this study included (1) reducing the data results of the respondents’ interviews, (2) presenting data based on the category of adolescence: early adolescence and late adolescence, (3) summing up the teenagers’ current perceptions related to traditional sports in Pekanbaru.
Keywords: traditional sports, the millennial era, adolescents.
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