Critical Reading Teaching Materials Show R-Tam-Based Malay Teaching Loaded with Humanist Literacy: Future Language Learning Innovations
Critical reading teaching materials need to be innovated to fit the demands of future language learning. Critical reading learning needs to be combined with local cultural components to make teaching materials contextual. Therefore, it is necessary to play the role of Tunjuk Ajar Melayu (TAM, Show Malay Teaching), designed with humanist literacy-laden R-TAM using an online learning platform to create learning that suits the demands of future language learning. TAM is the principle of Malay community life in Riau. The principles of Malay society have shifted their role in today’s life. This problem is the basis of socialization through learning to future generations in an effort to anticipate the loss of Malay principles of life. This research was conducted in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, with the research subjects of lecturers and students of Indonesian Language Education. Data collection methods included observation, questionnaire, and interview. Data were processed using reflective analysis with the help of AntCon and Tag Crowd. The researchers described that the characteristics of future critical reading teaching materials require innovation with the content of R-TAM-based technology, which contains humanist literacy using critical psycho-didactic approaches, and TAM.
Keywords: critical reading, Tunjuk Ajar Melayu, R-TAM.
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