Teacher and Student Perceptions: Do Students Have Good Reading Motivation?
Reading requires students’ efforts: they may choose not to do this activity, so motivation has an important role. Motivation and attitudes toward reading are central to reading performance. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the perceptions of students and teachers on reading motivation at the elementary school level. A quantitative approach with the survey method was employed. The survey was conducted during learning in the Bahasa class. The data were collected from 106 third-grade students and 4 Bahasa teachers in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, using the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire and Teacher Questionnaire on Student Motivation to Read (3rd Ed.). The data were then analyzed using descriptive and quantitative intercorrelation techniques. It is known that, in general, the students are interested in reading activities where the most influential aspects are awareness of the importance of reading and competition among students when the teacher gives reading tasks. Teachers' perceptions regarding the dimensions of reading motivation show that the individual dimension is the most crucial factor to be improved. This factor is directly related to each student's intrinsic motivation, positively correlated with reading achievement. Appropriate environmental conditioning and learning strategies can be carried out to stimulate students' intrinsic motivation in reading, such as carrying out a hands-on activity related to the student's real-life before working on reading tasks. It is implied that the findings of this study can be a reference for teachers to create a teaching system that can foster students' reading interest.
Keywords: reading motivation, intrinsic motivation, teachers’ perception, elementary students.
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