Collaborative Governance between Stakeholders in Local Resource Management in North Maluku

Muhlis Hafel, Julfi Jamil, Mohbir Umasugi, Anfas


This research departs from the phenomenon of local government cooperation between Ternate City, Tidore City Kepuluan, and West Halmahera Regency in the management of local resources in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and marine as well as in the tourism sector, which is named the Golden Triangle Cooperative. This study uses collaborative governance, which is part of the governance paradigm, to encourage joint efforts of stakeholders in overcoming various problems through collective decision-making. This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints of collaborative management of local resources. The experimental method was used with a qualitative approach to analyze the data, while the data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation data analysis using the spiral model. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the collaboration model in its implementation is still limited to the concept of unifying perceptions, and it is based on several factors between unclear collaboration designs, inadequate leadership support.



Keywords: Collaboration governance, stakeholders, local resources




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