A New Theoretical Model of Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Cigar Indonesia Produced in Jember

Bagus Putu Yudhia Kurniawan, Irma Wardati, Githa Noviana, Fani Ardiani


The empirical studies had shown a research gap, known as the Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) paradox of marketing performance and information systems. This study aimed (1) to analyze the relationship of each indicator with information system variables and marketing performance that contribute to the creation of excellence for Indonesian cigars produced in Jember; (2) to analyze and examine the causal relationship between information system variables and marketing performance on sustainable competitive advantage, and (3) to find a new theoretical model for the creation of a Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Indonesian cigars produced in Jember. It was a survey research type used for explanatory or confirmatory purposes, namely to explain the influence between variables or the causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. It used a census or complete enumeration method. The analysis technique used is confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results showed that information systems have a direct, positive, and significant effect on marketing performance. Through marketing performance, information systems also have a substantial and positive impact on sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing performance also has a direct, positive, and significant effect on the Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Indonesian cigars produced in Jember. The information system's role in companies producing export cigars is at the stage of reaching the consumer. The strategic position or priority scale of the information system is the Strategic Information System (SIS).


Keywords: business strategy, information systems, Jember Cigar, marketing, sustainable competitive advantage.



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