Improving Actual E-Learning Usage: Evidence from Indonesia
This research project aims to determine the predicting factors that influence the successful use of e-learning in Indonesia, in particular, the utilization of e-learning as a learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic. The e-learning method is a learning model that does not require face-to-face contact, so it fits the physical distancing needs imposed to limit spread of the virus. The method of data collection here employed a survey approach, while testing relied on partial least squares using SmartPLS v3.3.2 software. The research sample was 357 accounting lecturers. Data were collected using Google Forms. The results showed that the success of e-learning was influenced by the ease of use of the platform. The ease of the e-learning platform is influenced by e-learning literacy and organizational support. In the path analysis, actual use is affected by intention, ease of use affects intention, and two exogenous variables affect the ease of use. Different from what was predicted, usefulness is not a primary factor for use. In pandemic conditions, lecturers tend to call on easy-to-use devices with emergency learning methods, even though their utility is not yet optimal. Higher education institutions can take advantage of research results to increase the success and achievement of learning outcomes. Lecturers and students increase e-learning adoption if supported by organizational policies and increased literacy related to e-learning. The uniqueness of this research relates to selecting initial antecedent variables that can be followed up with practical actions to increase the success of e-learning, thus providing scientific and practical novelty.
Keywords: e-learning outcome, e-learning literacy, organizational support, ease of use, usefulness, intention to usage, actual usage.
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