Ethnozoology in the Dayak Iban Community as Consumption, Medicine, Artistic, Mystical Values, and Pet Animals
The Dayak Iban community is a community that has traditional knowledge of fauna utilization. However, nowadays, the knowledge is decreasing or degraded by era development, and animal utilization conducted has not written document yet. This research aimed to obtain the animal type utilized by the Dayak Iban community as consumption, artistic values, medicine values, mystical values, and pet animals. The research method used was a survey in the Dayak Iban community, Tekalong village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu Regency, Indonesia. The data collection instrument used was an interview sheet that had been prepared to obtain the animal data. The research data analysis used by the researcher was descriptive qualitative. The research results obtained 82 animal species that could be consumed, 8 animal species made as artistic values, 12 animal species made as medicine values, 12 animal species made as mystical values, and 12 animal species made as pet animals by the Dayak Iban community.
Keywords: ethnozoology, consumption, artistic value, medicine, mystical value, pet animals.
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