Digital Information Development in Agriculture Extension in Facing New Normal Era During Covid-19 Pandemics

Leonard Dharmawan, Pudji Muljono, Dwi Retno Hapsari, Bagus Priyo Purwanto


In the digital era, the critical issue in agricultural extension is how to develop actual information and innovations sustainably. Extension agents are often burdened by the limited information and innovations that are needed by the farmers. Many development programs planned outside the village turned out to be unfamiliar with local problems and needs; therefore, they were less effective in addressing agricultural issues experienced by the farmers. This problem was exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which made it more difficult for extension workers. The participatory action research method on the agricultural community was used in this study. New updates were offered regarding the readiness of the extension workers, who had a limitation in visiting farmers, facing the new normal era by utilizing cyber extensions or other digital information media, and other supporting media that could enable the workers to convey information progress their duties. This study also identified what kinds of digital information with messages and platforms were actually needed by the farmers to be more conducive to agricultural development in the new normal era. The result brought positive news that the extension agents were ready for the digital era and exceptionally well-equipped to educate farmers in the new normal era. Information needed by farmers is information about pest management and agricultural assistance.



Keywords: extension, information, new normal era, Covid-19



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