Implementation of Electronic Supply Chain Management for Potato Farmers through a Website
This research aims to improve the income of potato farmers in the mountainous areas of Dieng. For years, they have been dependent on the brokers who always set the prices of the potatoes. The brokers buy the potatoes for IDR 8,000–12,000 per kilogram. The market price of the high-quality potatoes can reach twice as much as the price the brokers set. This research is descriptive and qualitative and aims to examine the marketing of a potato commodity through a website. The potato farmers living in Dieng, Central Java are considered the informants and are the research unit. The results of this research indicate that the farmers started to learn how to export and sell the potatoes through the website, assisted and facilitated by the cooperatives in their areas. The study applies a promotion application using the Web and e-SCM for potato farmers in the mountains of Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java, which can be viewed through the website link for Potato Indofarm: ( The channel information and marketing distribution of Dieng potatoes are in the form of percentages and diagrams. The supply chain design of potato products in Wonosobo uses e-commerce.
Keywords: electronic supply chain management, farmers, potatoes
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